Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Turkey Train

Monday was our school's second annual Turkey Train. For years we've been collecting cans to donate to the Chattanooga Food Bank, but last year we added frozen turkeys to the mix! One day is set aside as Turkey Day, and the food bank's refrigerated truck comes and transports the turkeys as soon as we're done loading them. Our entire school lines up and we load the turkeys assembly-line style, wrapping around the gym and heading out the door all the way to the truck.

To make it easier on our youngest friends, we paired up with third- and fourth-graders so we'd have a little more help with the heavy turkeys. (Some of these suckers were more than 20 pounds!!!) Our K5 students love it when they can interact with the bigger kids, so this was a win-win for everyone involved! Here are some pictures ...

Our last-minute turkey hats turned out cute too! 

Can you believe our little school collected 91 turkeys on Turkey Train Day?!? It's so important to teach children to give to others; not only is it simply the right thing to do, but it's something Christ expressly instructed us to do: "For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat" (Matthew 25:35). Thanks to HVCS, nearly 100 families in the Chattanooga area will have a turkey on their table this Thanksgiving!

You can find more pictures on our school'sfacebook site

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