Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Fun Friday!

 Fun Friday is when we're a little more laid-back ... we'll do our science experiments, we have some time for free play, and we work on finishing any tasks that we didn't complete throughout the week. This past Friday was a great start.

When students came in, they were greeted with these task cards on the board ...

They selected a construction project and then could choose from several different types of materials to try and build their items. 

When it's nearly time to clean up, I give them a 2-, 3-, or 5-minute warning and use an hourglass timer so the students have a visual idea of how much time they have left. The helper of the day is tasked with keeping an eye on the timer and letting me know when it's finished. As you can see, it's a job they all take very seriously! 😃

Fun Fridays are also science experiment days. For our first experiment, we made a simple chemical reaction with baking soda and vinegar. This helped our kiddos practice using science tools like trays and pipettes. I was pleasantly surprised at how excited they were to see the results of their reaction!

If you haven't seen our science video, you can click HERE to watch it on the HVCS facebook page. 

1 comment:

  1. The experiment was definitely a hit!! Love the hourglass idea for "visual" time!
