Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tower of Babel

Right before Fall Break, our Bible lesson was all about the Tower of Babel. Although this story is from Genesis, we used a New Testament verse to go along with it: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God" (Matthew 6:33). This aligns perfectly with the lesson that we need to seek God's will for our lives instead of trying to be our own bosses -- which was where the tower builders went wrong!

The consequence of trying to be God for ourselves was that humans were spread out and their language was changed to keep them from communicating as effectively as they did pre-tower. Fortunately for us in K5, we have two classmates who speak different languages! We listened to a little Portuguese and Korean, and it was the perfect ears-on example of this -- we had no idea what our friends were saying!

We also did a couple of fun activities that involved building a tower. One was on paper, along with a list of ways to say 'hello' in different languages.

It was crazy hat day at school!

But we had the most fun building a big tower out of shipping boxes! 

This smartie helped read the words to hear group!

Some of our more observant friends discovered that I'd left them clues on the boxes -- one word of our memory verse! When they stacked the boxes in order, they were able to create the tallest possible tower. They had to read the verse on the board and match the words up in order.

Since it was Friday afternoon and we did this activity right before center time, I let them keep the boxes out to play with. Oh my goodness, you'd have thought it was Christmas. They were so excited and had the best time playing with a bunch of empty boxes! One group turned their boxes into a boat and a car, and another group loved coloring all over their boxes to create a home. 

I love love love the imaginations of young children!! 

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