Sunday, September 10, 2017

Learning games

In kindergarten, a lot of what we do seems like play -- and playing is very important. (Check out the articles at the very bottom of this link at the National Association for the Education of Young Children for just a few examples of why.) But most of the time, at least at HVCS, our "play time" involves lots of learning as well! This week, we introduced several reading and math games and let the students have free play on the games of their choices.

Several games involved matching uppercase letters to lowercase letters, including pin the clothespins (uppercase) to the corresponding lowercase letter on the paper plate.

This was a great game to play with a partner!

Apples on a tree, "cracked eggs," and carrots for the bunny also required students to match upper and lowercase letters.

Students had fun pairing up and quizzing each other on the beginning sounds of various pictures ...

... or even just reading to each other!

Some of our cuties even arranged their letters in alphabetical order! (And don't you just love this size comparison?) 😃

One of our favorite letter games involved both classes working together. It's called "I Have, Who Has?" and required students to identify the letters on flashcards they were given, and even to read a simple phrase ("Who has ...") at the bottom of the card when seeking the next letter. 

Math games this week involved working with manipulatives. The students loved getting out our new ocean animals and bear family counting toys, and it was fun to see the various ways they arranged the creatures. As the year progresses, we'll use these to help visualize grouping, adding, and subtracting. 

Mrs. Viall decided she wanted a 100's chart like Mrs. Shepard's, so we created one from scratch! Mrs. V drew the lines, colored the roofs (to help the students visualize number families "living in a house together"), and filled in the top numbers. As a class, we completed the rest of the chart, observing patterns along the way. Students were allowed to color each family to match the roof color chosen by Mrs. Viall. 

Finally, we "played with" number bond bead bracelets to show various combinations that equal a particular number. For example, if our bracelets had seven beads, we were able to arrange the beads in groups of 1-6, 2-5, 3-4, etc., and illustrate the fact that all equal 7.

Mrs. Shepard has a quote in her room that reads, "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn." She and I both attempt every day to involve our students as much as possible so they will not only learn but enjoy learning. Have a great Sunday, everyone! 

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